I was going to save these to share with my next outfit post but between the scant daylight hours, the fact that my camera remote needs some new (very expensive!!) batteries, and my heinous dress sense as of late, I'm not sure when that will be! But I wanted to share these, all the same.
First is
this episode of NPR's On Point with Elizabeth Cline, author of
Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion. I've read a few articles about this book and now personally find spending money in fast fashion stores much, much harder when I consider the impact of the industry. I just bought the book through iTunes and will likely report back here when I'm done.
Second is this slideshow from when
Refinery 29 visited the Cambridge Satchel Company headquarters. I have always liked their bags but this article is what convinced me to buy one. This is exactly the kind of retailer I want to support - one that treats its employees well and produces a quality product.