Monday, December 5, 2011


dynamite skirt, thrifted blouse, joe fresh cardigan, zellers shoes, hue tights, thrifted necklace and etienne aigner belt, essie "lollipop" nail colour

My collection of leopard print clothing is out of control, to the point where some days I have to keep track of what I'm wearing and make sure I don't wear two pieces at the same time. Mixing it with red nails and gaudy gold jewellery is really pushing the tacky factor but if being tacky is wrong I'm not too sure I want to be right.

p.s. - can you see where the inspiration for my blog header came from?


  1. The Bunting! I do love your new blog header too btw, it looks great!

    I do love a good leopard print too, have to say, but the main animal print in my closet right now is zebra.

  2. That skirt IS dynamite... I'm thrilled that you've chosen such a subtle and understated application of leopard. (an oxymoron, I know.)

    Lovely! :^)

  3. Nice Joe Fresh cardigan :) Looks great with the leopard print.

    xo Ashley

  4. I'm a sucker for leopard print so naturally I'm a huge fan of your blouse. x

  5. you look really cute! Its a kind of innocent look but the animal print gives it a bit of edge!


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